The aim of IAMAF is to build a community of martial arts operators. The IAMAF is open to all and is committed to serious and professional training content. The association conducts courses and competitions at national and international level. The IAMAF organizes license training and special courses and lectures on the training and integration of disabled athletes.
Norman Vincent Peale:
"Shoot for the moon.
Even if you miss
you'll land among the stars."
About us
The world of martial arts is very complex. The aim of IAMAF is to bring together students and teachers from various martial arts disciplines and related martial arts disciplines. The aim is a common platform. We respond to the needs of our memebers and try to grow with your dojo or sports club. You enjoy your independence, but you can always count on the support of IAMAF for projects. Education, training, international courses, championships and high-quality seminars - all this professionaly and at a high international level. Become part of a solid and dynamic network of high-quality events and internationally recognized capabilities in all areas of martial arts.
IAMAF allows all clubs, sports centers and sports schools membership, with all its advantages, on favorabele terms. The members enjoy all the benefits with broad support.
Why a new association?
Here are a few words form Antonino Marchese, founding member of IAMAF
After 15 years of membership in another association - as responsible for Germany - I finally resigned from my posts and resignes from the association. The reason for this was that thinking and acting has changed increasingly and in the end - in my view - the international world association has increasingly become a national association in which other countries have been tolerated. Today I do not want to comment on the past, but on the future: I could easily have joined another association. However, my vision never let me go. So, together with good friends and like-minded people, I have been working to achieve what we want: a truly international association for all, in which values are lived and graduations are awarded only for achievements! After preparatory work, founders from three countries met on December 17, 2016 in Rome - the eternal city - to lay the foundations for this project.
What's new about this association? What is done differently?
Except the logo and the name: IAMAF (International All Martial Arts Federation e.V.) is not really that much new. Decisivley different is the consistens implementation of the ideals! Port of this is that IAMAF, as an international association, has an international board, is represented internationally and is truly open to all. And this means: open to all martial arts, for all nationalities, for natural and legal persons. In addition, graduations - especially grandmaster graduations - are neither given away nor sold and there is a consistent focus on compliance with the corresponding waiting times. Open to all martial arts means to us that both training courses and championships are organized through the association and we are open to other associations and open to cooperations with others. However, being open also means that integration sport is very important.
I invite everyone to start the future with IAMAF! You can all contribute to the vision becoming a lived reality and the IAMAF establishing itself with you in the world!